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Friday December 7th P.A.P.A. Black Hided New Crop Calf / Yearling SaleResults from the Special P.A.P.A Alliance Blackhided New Crop Calf/Yearling Sale Friday December 7th. Here this past Friday we had a large run of high quality Blackhided and Red Angus Cattle selling 5,154 head on a market that was quite a bit higher than one week ago with a house of buyers that came to town to do business . Demand was excellent for the high quality cattle that were properly handled, clean and not too fleshy.
A cattle show it was with endless big bunches and quality that was pretty much A-1 throughout the entire day. I have to commend each and every cattleman and cattlewoman with a tip of that, as words are not enough, in all the hard work and effort put in to produce cattle of this quality. With the nightmare of an October we all lived in endless rains which caused later than normal weaning for many, the floods north of us that swallowed cattle and wrung what remained completely out, a fear if we were even gonna get bedding made, etc etc etc.
The quality and cleanliness of the cattle proved the stellar commitment we have back here in Eastern Iowa, Northern Illinois and Wisconsin to produce cattle that anyone in the country is not only willing but wanting to take home.
If you weren't there or watching online you missed a cattle. The 5,154 cattle sold that day were dispersed throughout the country with final destinations landing in the feeding states of Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Trust me, i've been to the biggest sales in the west one could attend over the years and I can honestly say you've all painted the Tri State Region with cattle that stand with the best of them.
And finally i want to once again recognize and thank a group of people, thanks could never be enough, that back in June were tagged with the name "The Blue Army" across the country during the World Auctinioneering Championship . These people are the heart of the horse that allows him not only run, but always does what it takes to get it done efficiently and correctly..
What it takes to get it all done is at many times not very easy with weather elements that just don't care, a fast pace lion that never sleeps which few see.
They are the team here at Bloomington Livestock and these are truly the people make the auction a success. They are people who keep the gears all moving in cadence. Cattle auctions don't have 15 minutes breaks, predictability or other easier things . Out back behind the curtains it's an expect the unexpected with a constant "improvise, overcome and learn to adapt " reality.
Should you see these people please give them a simple thank you for what they all do. Most do not realize this but when you have a 5,000 head sale the team behind the curtains actually handle 15,000 cattle in a few short days totaled between receiving, the actual auction itself and penning/loadout.
Thank you could never be enough in the gratitude I am with all these good folks, I do know though we're blessed with such a wonderful, caring group of people.
So please give them a little nudge when you see them, they deserve it!
Thanks again to all who came together to make another good sale!
Here's the report...
Fancy New Crop Steer Calves
350-425# $165-$210
450-525# $155-$191
550-625# $145-$180
650-725# $138-$160
750-825# $138- $158
850-925# $135-$150
Improperly Handled/ Over Fleshy / Lower Quality Steers Less
Fancy New Crop Heifer Calves
350-425# $140-$175
450-525# $135- $155
550-625# $133-$150
650-725# $130- $147
750-825# $120-$140
Improperly Handled/ OverFleshy/ Lower Quality / Heifers Less