Friday March 19th Special All Beef New Crop Calf/Yearling Feeder Cattle Sale

Results from the Special "Back to Grass" Roundup New Crop Calf/ Yearling Sale Friday March 19th.

Here this past Friday we had a nice run of high quality cattle selling 2,067 head from some of the finest Cattlemen/ Cattlewomen in the Tri State Region..
Demand was really good and i would call the market fully steady to stronger.. The next Special "Back to Grass" New Crop Calf/ Yearling Sale  will be in 2 weeks Friday April 2nd starting time 9am sharp. 
Thanks again to all Buyers / Sellers alike who came together for another really nice sale..
Here's the report..
Fancy New Crop Steers
350-425# $170-$190
450-525# $165- $189
550-625# $150-$178
650-725# $140-$162
750-825# $130-$152
850-925# $125-$134
Improperly Handled/ OverFleshy/ Lower Quality Steers Less 
Fancy New Crop Heifers 
350-425# $150-$170
450-525# $135-$155
550-625# $130-$150
650-725# $125-$140
750-825# $117-$132
Improperly Handled/ OverFleshy/ Lower Quality Heifers Less