Friday April 9th Special All Holstein & Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale

Results from the Special Back to Grass Roundup Holstein/ Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale Friday April 9th.

This week 760+ head of feeders. Good demand for groups of vaccinated cattle. Buyer demand was very good with buyers from WI, ILL, & IA also, internet buyers.

The next Special Back to Grass Roundup Holstein/ Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale will be in two weeks Friday April 23rd starting time 9am sharp.. 

Thanks again to all Buyers/ Sellers alike who came together for another nice set of cattle and another nice sale. 

Here's the report..


275-350# $125- $140

375-450# $120-$142.50

475-550# $110-$131

575-650# $115-$122

675-750# $100-$118

775-850# $95-$105

875-950# $90-$100


Ang X Strs

350-700# $105-$136